About Us 



"BASSE MOTORS" is a modern, customer-focused, auto care center, and it offers a wide range of car repairs starting from regular maintenance, running repairs and ending with complex geometry of the body restoration and painting. 


"BASSE MOTORS" operates in car repair business since 2002 and has proved itself as a quality service provider and a reliable partner.

The founder of "K & B", Inc. since 1992 is the importer of BMW brand car parts and a number of other leading European manufacturers of spare parts and since 1998 has become a member of LARIDA (Latvian Car Spare Parts Importers’ Association).


During many years, while gaining the trust of partners it has allowed us to work efficiently and on time (maximizing the short term repairing) in order to obtain the necessary spare parts, at the same time guaranteeing their quality.


Over the years auto centre "Basse motors" has established a successful cooperation with many companies and individuals - the service is being provided for the leading insurance companies, various government institutions, as well as for many car dealers thus demonstrating our expertise and quality of service. For convenience of our customers, during car repair we offer to rent any of the service vehicles.

In order to guarantee the quality of our work and personal approach to each client, "Basse Motors" auto center has created a separate file for each client, where all information about the client's car and made  repairments is stored and archived bothe in the electronic media and in the company's archives. 

The cost of one-hour workshop is LVL 12.10 (twelve Lats and 10 centimes), excluding VAT, which is about 15-20% cheaper than in the other auto centers of the same level. In addition, for the contractors we offer a flexible discount system, leading to a maximum quality at minimal prices.

All customers' cars, which are located in our centre, are provided by free day and night security. Auto centre clients are provided with the 24/7 car towing from anywhere in Latvian. Auto center is also equipped with modern computer and office equipment, which allows us to provide any kind of data and information exchange with customers.



Liene Spigule

+ 371 27715058

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